Questions asked when submitting the
assignment 1 and the tutor's answers to them.
Question 1.
In this assignment, I mainly focused on the contrasts of graphical elements. In other words, I could only take photographs of tangible things and hence my photographs here only one layer of the meaning. However, some of the themes in this assignment are abstract (such as strong/week, sweet/sour). I would like to become competent to be able to capture such abstraction in my photographs and make them have multiple layers of the meaning. How can I develop this skill?
[Tutor's answer]
With regard to your images having multiple layers of meaning and how to develop this skill. I would first suggest that you find examples of images that do this. Write some brief notes on these images on how the different layers of meaning are present in the images. Remember that the meaning of photographs can be shifted in so many ways - the use of a caption alone can change the meaning. The next stage will be to practice and keep practising with your own work. At first you may find that your images are contrived or awkward but keep trying - it is only with practice that you will develop your own photographic style.
Question 2.
I always take photographs alone and I often feel it difficult to keep an objective opinion on the quality of my own photographs. I think one of the reasons is because I do not have a framework for the judgement. How do the professional photographers develop their own frameworks to judge their own work?
[Tutor's answer]
Your second question is about gaining judgement of your work. Firstly consider if you can get some second opinions on your work - doing this course is one way. You could join a local camera club and if you haven't done so there is Flickr - there is a thriving OCA group on there who are very supportive and offer constructive criticism. The link is: of the best ways to strengthen your own judgements skills is to review other photographer's work - consider why some images work and others don't. By using Flickr or joining photography club you can not only have your work reviewed but can participate in the process.
I hope this helps answer your questions - the key to become an accomplished photographer involves three main strands: keep taking your own images; review your own work; review other photographer's work. The three elements combined will strengthen your own practical skills.