Sunday, 18 October 2009

Project 23: implied lines

Take 2 photographs that use the folloiwng kinds of implied lines to lead the eye:
- an eye-line
- the extension of a line, or lines that point.

This photograph is an example of an implied line by an eye-line. The eye-line of the man in the advertisement picture leads to an woman walking on the street as illustrated by the red line below.

This photograph is an example of an extension of a line. The arrow on the street leads the viewer's eye to the direction of the two women running on the street as illustrated by the red line below.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

High speed sync explanation video by PocketWizard

This video is an advertisement by PocketWizard but the first half of the video is actually a very good explanation about how flash high speed sync works.

Project 22: curves

Take 4 photographs which have curve lines.

A circle gate sign of a building

A curved pavement stones

A curved fence

A curved street