Sunday, 24 May 2009

Project 13: the golden section

Take 6 photographs by composing them according to (approximately) the Golden Section (the rule of the thirds).


The red sign is placed so that the distance from the left edge is roughly twice as long as the one from the right edge and the distance from the bottom is roughly twice as long as the one from the top.


The position of the St. Paul's Cathedral from the right edge is roughly one third of the horizontal length of the frame.


The statue is placed at the one third line from the left. The top edge of the background stone wall also corresponds to the one third line from the bottom.


The position of the flower is almost at the point where the one third line from the right and top intersects.


Again the position of the couple is almost at the point where the one third line from the right and top intersects.


The position of the statue corresponds to the one third line from the right.


The position of the door knob is almost at the point where the one third line from the top and right intersects. In addition, the horizontal line pattern on the door almost corresponds to the one third line from the bottom.

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